Removal Proceedings

Removal Proceedings

Removal Proceedings

Here are 50 important legal documents to use during immigration removal proceedings, along with detailed prompts for each:

1. Notice to Appear (NTA)

   Prompt: Provide the original NTA, which outlines the reasons for removal proceedings and the charges against you.

2. Form I-862, Notice to Appear

   Prompt: Include a copy of Form I-862, which is the official charging document served by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

3. Form I-286, Notice of Custody Determination

   Prompt: If applicable, provide a copy of Form I-286, which notifies you of your custody status and any bond amount set by DHS.

4. Form I-830, Notice to EOIR: Alien Address

   Prompt: Include a copy of Form I-830, which informs the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) of your current address.

5. Passport

   Prompt: Provide a copy of your valid passport, including the biographical page, expiration date, and any relevant visas.

6. Birth Certificate

   Prompt: Include a copy of your birth certificate, along with a certified English translation if the original is not in English.

7. Marriage Certificate (if applicable)

   Prompt: If you are married, provide a copy of your marriage certificate.

8. Divorce Decrees or Death Certificates (if applicable)

   Prompt: If you or your spouse were previously married, include copies of divorce decrees or death certificates for any prior marriages.

9. Police Reports and Court Records (if applicable)

   Prompt: If you have ever been arrested or convicted of a crime, provide certified copies of police reports, court records, and other relevant documents.

10. Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record

    Prompt: Include a copy of your most recent I-94 record, which can be obtained from the CBP website or your passport.

11. Form I-864, Affidavit of Support (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you have a financial sponsor in the U.S., provide a copy of Form I-864, along with supporting financial documents.

12. Tax Returns and W-2 Forms

    Prompt: Include copies of your federal income tax returns and W-2 forms for the past three years.

13. Employment Records

    Prompt: Provide evidence of your employment history, such as pay stubs, employment verification letters, or contracts.

14. School Records

    Prompt: If applicable, include copies of your school records, such as diplomas, transcripts, or enrollment verification letters.

15. Medical Records (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you have any medical conditions that may impact your case, provide relevant medical records and doctor’s statements.

16. Proof of Rehabilitation (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you have a criminal history, include evidence of rehabilitation, such as completion of probation, drug treatment, or community service.

17. Character Reference Letters

    Prompt: Provide letters from family, friends, employers, or community leaders attesting to your good moral character.

18. Photographs

    Prompt: Include recent photographs of yourself and your family members.

19. Proof of Relationship to U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident Family Members

    Prompt: If you have family members who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, provide evidence of your relationship, such as birth certificates or marriage certificates.

20. Asylum Application (Form I-589) and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking asylum, provide a copy of your completed Form I-589 and any supporting documents, such as evidence of persecution or country conditions reports.

21. Withholding of Removal Application and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking withholding of removal under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or the Convention Against Torture (CAT), provide the appropriate application and supporting documents.

22. Cancellation of Removal Application (Form EOIR-42A or EOIR-42B) and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are eligible for cancellation of removal, provide the appropriate form (EOIR-42A for permanent residents or EOIR-42B for non-permanent residents) and supporting documents.

23. Adjustment of Status Application (Form I-485) and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are eligible to adjust your status to permanent residency, provide a copy of Form I-485 and supporting documents, such as an approved immigrant petition.

24. Waiver Applications and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are inadmissible but eligible for a waiver, provide the appropriate waiver application (e.g., Form I-601 or I-212) and supporting documents.

25. Voluntary Departure Request and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are requesting voluntary departure, provide a written request and supporting documents, such as proof of travel arrangements and financial means to depart.

26. Translations of Foreign-Language Documents

    Prompt: If any documents are not in English, include certified translations along with the original documents.

27. Witness List and Affidavits

    Prompt: Provide a list of any witnesses you intend to call at your hearing, along with affidavits summarizing their expected testimony.

28. Expert Witness Reports (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you plan to call expert witnesses, such as medical professionals or country conditions experts, provide their written reports.

29. Subpoenas for Witnesses or Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you need to compel the appearance of witnesses or the production of documents, file the appropriate subpoena requests with the immigration court.

30. Motions and Briefs Filed with the Immigration Court

    Prompt: Include copies of any motions or legal briefs you have filed with the immigration court, such as a motion to terminate proceedings or a brief in support of relief.

31. Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (Form EOIR-26) (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are appealing an immigration judge’s decision, provide a copy of your completed Form EOIR-26.

32. Proof of Service

    Prompt: For any documents filed with the immigration court or served on the opposing party, include proof of service, such as a certificate of service or mail receipt.

33. Bond Request and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking release on bond, provide a written request and supporting documents, such as evidence of ties to the community and lack of flight risk.

34. Notice of Change of Address (Form EOIR-33)

    Prompt: If you move while your case is pending, file Form EOIR-33 with the immigration court to update your address.

35. Notice of Appearance (Form EOIR-28) (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are represented by an attorney, your attorney must file Form EOIR-28 with the immigration court.

36. Proof of Enrollment in Alternatives to Detention Program (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are enrolled in an alternatives to detention program, such as electronic monitoring, provide proof of enrollment and compliance.

37. Proof of Participation in Rehabilitation Programs (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are participating in rehabilitation programs, such as drug treatment or anger management, provide proof of enrollment and progress reports.

38. Proof of Community Ties and Involvement

    Prompt: Include evidence of your ties to the community, such as volunteer work, membership in religious or community organizations, or letters of support from community members.

39. Country Conditions Reports (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking asylum, withholding of removal, or CAT protection, provide current country conditions reports from reliable sources, such as the U.S. Department of State or human rights organizations.

40. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you have been recognized as a refugee by the UNHCR, provide copies of your UNHCR refugee certificate and other relevant documents.

41. Proof of Compliance with Conditions of Release (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are released on bond or parole, provide evidence that you have complied with any conditions of release, such as attending check-ins with ICE or not committing crimes.

42. Proof of Efforts to Obtain Travel Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are ordered removed and need to obtain travel documents from your country of origin, provide evidence of your efforts to secure these documents.

43. Psychological or Psychiatric Evaluations (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking relief based on mental health issues or trauma, provide psychological or psychiatric evaluations from licensed professionals.

44. DNA Test Results (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are seeking to prove a familial relationship, such as in a family-based petition, provide DNA test results from an accredited lab.

45. Proof of Participation in Domestic Violence or Human Trafficking Programs (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are a victim of domestic violence or human trafficking, provide proof of participation in relevant programs, such as counseling or legal services.

46. T Visa or U Visa Application and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are eligible for a T visa (for trafficking victims) or a U visa (for crime victims), provide the appropriate application and supporting documents.

47. VAWA Self-Petition (Form I-360) and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are a victim of abuse by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent, provide a copy of your Form I-360 self-petition under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and supporting documents.

48. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Application and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are eligible for DACA, provide a copy of your DACA application and supporting documents, such as proof of continuous residence and education or military service.

49. Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Petition (Form I-360) and Supporting Documents (if applicable)

    Prompt: If you are an unmarried minor who has been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, provide a copy of your Form I-360 petition for SIJS and supporting documents, such as a state court order finding that reunification with a parent is not viable.

50. Cover Letter and Exhibit List

    Prompt: Include a cover letter that lists all the documents being submitted and provides a brief overview of your case. Also, include an exhibit list that identifies each document and assigns it an exhibit number for easy reference during the proceedings.

Remember to follow the specific instructions provided by the immigration court and the EOIR for filing documents and to keep copies of all submitted documents for your records. It is highly recommended to seek the assistance of an experienced immigration attorney to help you navigate the complex removal proceedings process.

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