
Market Definition Analysis

Market Definition Analysis

Market Definition Analysis

A Market Definition Analysis document is a critical component in antitrust and competition law cases, defining the relevant market for assessing market power. Key components include:

1. Executive summary

2. Purpose and scope of the analysis

3. Product or service description

4. Geographic market boundaries

5. Demand-side substitutability analysis

6. Supply-side substitutability analysis

7. SSNIP (Small but Significant Non-transitory Increase in Price) test results

8. Temporal considerations (if applicable)

9. Customer segmentation

10. Competitive landscape overview

11. Regulatory factors influencing market definition

12. Conclusions and implications

This document aims to:

– Determine the relevant market for antitrust analysis

– Identify potential substitutes and market constraints

– Provide a foundation for assessing market power

When drafting this analysis, it’s important to:

– Use empirical data and economic principles

– Consider both product and geographic dimensions

– Address potential criticisms or alternative definitions

– Align with established legal and economic frameworks

A well-crafted Market Definition Analysis serves as a crucial tool for antitrust authorities, courts, and businesses in understanding market dynamics, assessing competitive effects, and making informed decisions in antitrust cases or merger reviews.

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