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Family Matters

Certification of Retirement

Certification of Retirement

Certification of Retirement

A Certification of Retirement provides information about a party’s retirement status and income in an alimony case. The certification includes details about the party’s retirement date, their sources of retirement income, such as pensions, Social Security benefits, or investment accounts, and any changes in their financial situation as a result of retirement. The purpose of the certification is to support a request for alimony based on reduced retirement income and the need for financial support, or to oppose a request for alimony based on the other party’s retirement status and income. The court may consider the information provided in the certification when determining the appropriate amount and duration of alimony, taking into account factors such as the length of the marriage, the parties’ pre-retirement standard of living, and their respective financial needs in retirement. The certification may be accompanied by supporting documentation, such as retirement account statements or Social Security benefit statements, to verify the accuracy of the information provided.