Family Matters

Certification of Changed Circumstances

Certification of Changed Circumstances

Certification of Changed Circumstances

A Certification of Changed Circumstances is filed by a party seeking to modify an alimony order based on a significant change in circumstances. The certification includes evidence of the changed circumstances, such as a substantial increase or decrease in income, a change in employment status, or a change in the needs of either party. The party requesting the modification must demonstrate that the change in circumstances is significant, ongoing, and was not anticipated at the time the original alimony order was issued. The court will consider factors such as each party’s current income, earning capacity, and needs, as well as any other relevant factors, such as health issues or changes in the cost of living. If the court finds that a significant change in circumstances has occurred, it may modify the alimony award by increasing, decreasing, or terminating the alimony obligation based on the new circumstances. The modified alimony order will supersede the original order and remain in effect until further modified or terminated by the court.

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