
Malpractice Case Timeline

Malpractice Case Timeline

Malpractice Case Timeline

A Malpractice Case Timeline outlines the typical stages and duration of a medical malpractice lawsuit. Key phases include:

1. Initial consultation and case evaluation (1-2 months)

2. Investigation and gathering of medical records (2-6 months)

3. Expert review and certificate of merit (1-3 months)

4. Filing the lawsuit (within statute of limitations)

5. Discovery phase (6-12 months)

   – Interrogatories

   – Depositions

   – Document requests

6. Mediation or settlement negotiations (1-3 months)

7. Trial preparation (2-4 months)

8. Trial (1-4 weeks)

9. Post-trial motions and possible appeals (varies)

The entire process can take 1-3 years or longer, depending on case complexity and court schedules. This timeline helps clients understand the lengthy nature of malpractice cases and set realistic expectations. It’s important to note that many cases settle before reaching trial, potentially shortening the timeline. Each case is unique, and actual timelines may vary based on jurisdiction and specific circumstances.

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