Construction Law

Contractor's Daily Log:

Contractor’s Daily Log:

Contractor's Daily Log:

A contractor’s daily log is a written record kept by the contractor or their site supervisor, documenting the daily activities, events, and conditions on a construction project. The log typically includes information such as the date, weather, crew size and composition, equipment and materials used, work performed and locations, inspections and tests conducted, visitors and communications, problems and solutions encountered, and any other relevant observations or data. The purpose of the daily log is to provide a contemporaneous and objective account of the project progress and performance, to support the contractor’s management and decision-making, to demonstrate compliance with the contract requirements and industry standards, and to serve as evidence in the event of disputes or claims. Daily logs should be accurate, consistent, and complete, and should be reviewed and signed by the appropriate personnel. They are an essential part of the contractor’s project documentation and risk management practices, and may be required by the contract or by law.

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