Transition Plan
Transition Plan
A Transition Plan is a written document that outlines the services and supports that a student with a disability will need to successfully transition from high school to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living. The Transition Plan is typically developed as part of the student’s IEP, starting no later than age 16, and is based on the student’s individual needs, strengths, preferences, and interests. The plan may include goals and activities related to education and training, employment, community participation, and daily living skills, as well as the specific services and supports that will be provided to help the student achieve those goals. The Transition Plan is developed with input from the student, their parents, teachers, and other relevant professionals, and is reviewed and revised annually. The Transition Plan is an important tool for ensuring that students with disabilities are prepared for success in adulthood and have access to the resources and opportunities they need to lead fulfilling and productive lives.