Environmental Assessment (EA)
Environmental Assessment (EA)
An Environmental Assessment (EA) is a concise public document that provides sufficient evidence and analysis to determine whether a proposed action may have significant environmental impacts and whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. EAs are typically prepared for actions that are not categorically excluded from environmental review but that do not necessarily require an EIS. The purpose of an EA is to briefly provide sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an EIS or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The EA process involves scoping, analysis, and public review and comment, and culminates in either a FONSI or a decision to prepare an EIS. An EA typically includes a brief description of the proposed action and its purpose and need, an analysis of the affected environment and potential impacts, an evaluation of alternatives, and a discussion of mitigation measures. The document should be based on sound science and should be clear, concise, and accessible to a general audience. Environmental Assessments are an important tool for streamlining the environmental review process and for focusing agency resources on actions that may have significant environmental impacts.