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Enviromental Law

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Document

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Document

State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Document

A State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Document is any document prepared by a state or local agency to comply with the requirements of a state’s environmental policy act, which is a law that requires agencies to consider the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and to involve the public in the decision-making process. SEPA documents are similar to NEPA documents but are specific to the requirements of each state’s law. The purpose of a SEPA document is to ensure that state and local agencies take a hard look at the environmental consequences of their actions and to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the agency’s analysis. SEPA documents may include Categorical Exemptions (CEs), Environmental Checklists, Environmental Assessments (EAs), and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), depending on the scope and significance of the proposed action. The documents typically include a description of the proposed action and its purpose and need, an analysis of the affected environment and potential impacts, an evaluation of alternatives, and a discussion of mitigation measures and monitoring requirements. SEPA Documents are an important tool for promoting transparency, accountability, and public participation in state and local decision-making.