Zoning Settlement Agreement
Zoning Settlement Agreement
A Zoning Settlement Agreement is a legally binding contract between a local government and a property owner, developer, or other party, that resolves a dispute or challenge related to a zoning decision, enforcement action, or litigation. This agreement typically includes a description of the property and the issues in dispute, as well as the terms and conditions of the settlement, such as any modifications to the proposed use or development, any payments or contributions to be made by either party, and any waivers or releases of claims or rights. The purpose of a Zoning Settlement Agreement is to provide a mutually acceptable resolution to a zoning conflict, and to avoid the time, expense, and uncertainty of prolonged litigation or administrative proceedings. Zoning Settlement Agreements are often negotiated by the parties’ attorneys, with input from planning staff, elected officials, and other stakeholders, and are subject to public review and approval by the local governing body. These agreements can be an effective tool for balancing the interests of property owners and the community, and for promoting a more collaborative and flexible approach to land use decision-making.