intellectual property rights

Trademark Maintenance Fee Payment Confirmation

Trademark Maintenance Fee Payment Confirmation

Trademark Maintenance Fee Payment Confirmation

A Trademark Maintenance Fee Payment Confirmation is an official notice from the USPTO acknowledging receipt of the required fees to maintain a trademark registration. The confirmation typically includes the trademark registration number, the owner’s name and address, the classes of goods or services, the filing date and serial number of the maintenance document, and the new expiration date of the registration. Maintenance fees must be paid at regular intervals (between the 5th and 6th year after registration, and every 10 years thereafter) to keep the registration active and enforceable. Failure to pay the fees can result in cancellation or expiration of the registration. The confirmation serves as proof of compliance with the maintenance requirements and helps to ensure the accuracy and currency of the trademark register. It should be carefully reviewed for any errors or discrepancies and kept in the trademark owner’s records

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