Release of Liability Agreement
Release of Liability Agreement
A Release of Liability Agreement is a legal document that is executed by a debtor and a creditor or debt collector, in which the debtor agrees to release the creditor or collector from any further claims, damages, or legal action related to an outstanding debt, in exchange for the creditor or collector agreeing to accept a specific settlement amount and release the debtor from any further liability for the debt. The agreement typically includes details about the parties, the debt, the settlement amount and terms, and any other conditions or requirements, such as confidentiality or non-disparagement clauses. The agreement may also include a waiver of any rights or defenses that the debtor may have, such as the right to dispute the debt or to file for bankruptcy. The purpose of a Release of Liability Agreement is to provide a final and binding resolution to the debt, and to protect both parties from any further claims or disputes. The agreement should be carefully reviewed and understood by both parties and their legal counsel, and should be signed and dated by authorized representatives. The agreement may be subject to state or federal laws and regulations, and may have tax or credit reporting implications.